Why Is Katie Couric Consorting with Mitt Romney?

This weekend former Massachusetts governor and relentless presidential candidate Mitt Romney (R-Do You Like Me Now?) is hosting his E2 Summit at an upscale ski resort in Utah, where at least six GOP presidential candidates will show up presumably to get tips on how not to run.

Call the roll:

The Republican hopefuls scheduled to attend are Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.), Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, Sen. Lindsey Graham (S.C.), New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and businesswoman Carly Fiorina.

But there are several non-politicians also scheduled to appear at Mittapalooza. From Politico’s Morning Score:

Other speakers include news anchor Katie Couric; former NBA Commissioner David Stern; Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H.; General Electric Chairman and CEO Jeffery Immelt; and David Axelrod, President Barack Obama’s former chief strategist.

Wait – Katie Couric? Really? Sure, she works for a news site with an exclamation point in its name, but there are limits nonetheless, right?

Not to mention: Is Couric getting paid for this speaking gig?

Ya-who! knows.

P.S. According to Politico Playbook, Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly is also on the speakers list.

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6 Responses to Why Is Katie Couric Consorting with Mitt Romney?

  1. Steve Stein says:

    And why is Mark Halperin taking a paycheck from a GOP high-rolling donors retreat?

    (Pilates? Really?)

    But but but George Stephanopolous!

  2. Steve Stein says:

    Ah, I see it’s the same gig as Couric. Except for the Pilates.

  3. Pingback: Why Are Mark Halperin and Katie Couric Cavorting with the Romneys? | Campaign Outsider

  4. Bill says:

    “consorting”? Sounds a little lurid, doncha think?

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